- Generally, you’ll sell large and high-ticket items on-line better than in a garage sale, here’s a few websites to consider:
- Signage is the single most important element in driving traffic to your garage sale. You should have signage at the front of your sub-division and main streets no later than the Friday before your garage sale. If you can, have the signage up a week before.
- Signage should be large and simple. If your signs are going up the day before or earlier, be sure to include the date and time as well as directional arrows. Addresses on signage is less effective.
- Simple directional arrows, that match your sign, will help shoppers to find your garage sale.
- Advertise your garage sale on as many social media websites as you have access to:
- We recommend you use your garage as a staging area the night before, which will make for a quick move to the front driveway in the morning.
- Price everything (the night before)! Most Dollar Stores and big box stores have prices on self-adhesive dots. Price tags add certainty to your pricing, and you won’t have to field so many inquiries about, “How much is this?”. It’s well worth the few dollars at the dollar store.
- BTW – on the blank dots you can write FIRM, if you don’t want to move on that price.
- Yes, the price dots can be peeled off and put on another item. No need for the police, however, be aware that can happen.
- Be prepared for early shoppers. If you advertise 8am to 4pm, you will have shoppers at your door well before 8am attempting to get the pick of the litter. We recommend you stay firm on your prices at that time.
- Have a small change box ready. If you price everything in 25 cent increments, you’ll only need quarters in your change box.
- Don’t hold a lot of money in your change box. Move money into the house if you start getting a lot of bills and don’t leave your change box unattended. Fanny packs are a good suggestion.
- Have a box of free stuff in the very front of your garage, close to the street. Put a big “Free” sign on the box and maybe “Limit one per car”. The free box of stuff will be a strong stopper for cars driving by.
- Bundling items is a good strategy for certain products. Example: Rather than sell one cake pan, try to sell the set.
- If a buyer asks you to hold something, be sure to get full payment at that time, unless he’s a good friend or neighbor.
- Be prepared for the “Will you deliver the item to me?” It’s ok to charge for that service based on the size of the item and distance to deliver. Be sure to get full payment up front, otherwise, you’ll probably get the renegotiation dance when you arrive with the item. Be careful, do not go alone!
- If it’s a hot day, and it probably will be, consider a cooler of bottled water and soft drinks with a sign with the prices. Extra money and the buyers will love the nice beverages. Your children can be in charge of this part which gives them an introduction to business. Home cooked/baked products can also be good, but be careful, you don’t want to get anyone sick. People have allergies and sometimes they don’t store or handle products properly after they leave your garage sale.
- Most importantly, be organized, be prepared and have fun!
If you have questions or suggestions, text, call or email me. My contact information is below: