Payment History (35%): This is whether you’ve made payments on time. If you’ve never missed a payment, a 30-day delinquency can cause as much as a 90-110 point drop in your score.
Debt-to-Credit utilization (30%): Debt ratios to available credit above 30% work against you. Keep credit card blances at 30% or below.
Length of Credit History (15%): A longer good payment history boosts your score. FICO requires about six (6) months of credit history.
Credit Mix (10%): Your credit score ticks up if you have a rich combination of different types of credit accounts, such as credit cards, retail store credit cards, installment loans and a previous or current home loan.
New Credit Accounts (10%): Research shows that opening several new credit card accounts with a short period of time represents greater risk to the lender, according to myFICO. Also, each time you open a new credit line, the average length of your credit history decreases (further hurting your credit score).